How to Make Virtual Learning Easier for Your Kids

Adjusting to online learning is a huge challenge for many of today’s kids. It can be hard for them to make the mental switch from home to school life, and they may struggle to stay focused and motivated. 

Thankfully, there are things parents can do to make adjusting to virtual learning easier for their children.

Limit Distractions

It’s easier for children to focus on learning and learning only while in traditional classrooms. While the kids may be distracted by their fellow classmates or the thought of recess, teachers are able to redirect their students’ focus in order to keep teaching.

At home, however, there are tons more potential distractions—a comfy bed, video game consoles, tv, siblings, pets, toys, and more. Even if your kids are trying to steer their focus back to their schoolwork, they may struggle to push the fun they could be having out of their minds.

Try to set up a space for your child that’s as free of distractions as possible. Whether that means transforming your breakfast nook into a little classroom or setting aside a corner of the living room for learning, giving your little one an area that’s set aside just for learning can make it easier for them to separate their home life from their schoolwork while learning online.

Stick to a Schedule

Like distraction-free classrooms, schedules make it easy for children to stay on task at school.

One of the difficulties of adjusting to virtual learning is adapting to a more lax schedule. Without a teacher or a school bell telling them when it’s time to switch classes or take a break, children may have a hard time knowing what to do and when to do it.

Although there may be times when you have to switch things around to deal with work or lagging internet, having a relatively set schedule can make it easier for your kids to complete their work on time and stay focused throughout the day. A schedule helps them know what to expect and helps them settle into an easy-to-follow routine.

For example, giving them a mid-morning break and sticking to a set lunch time can help them power through their work before rewarding themselves with playtime or a yummy meal.

Think Outside the Classroom

Sure, school can be boring. But many kids miss being able to hang out with their friends and are having a hard time coping with being cooped up in the house all day.

You can turn this negative into a positive though.

One of the benefits of not being confined to a traditional classroom is that you can think outside the box when it comes to teaching your child.

For example, if your children are learning about the parts of the cell, you can walk them through creating a diagram of the cell using craft materials instead of going over photos of cells in a textbook. 

Using a more hands-on approach will keep your kids engaged and make the material they’re learning come alive for them, which makes it easier for them to remember key concepts while making learning fun for them.

Reward Your Kids for Their Hard Work

Honestly, every kid deserves to be celebrated for doing their best to adjust to virtual learning. 

Show your little ones that you’ve noticed their hard work and you’re proud of them. This’ll make them feel appreciated and can even encourage them to stick with their schoolwork when it gets tough. 

When rewarding your kids for their efforts, stick to giving them gifts that’ll stimulate their minds as opposed to using snacks or electronics as a reward. 

 Our Proud to Be Me! Princess and Prince collections are packed with fun, brain-boosting goodies that’ll give your kids a nice break from their studies while still helping them to further their imagination and boost their brain power. These gift boxes can provide days of fun and make the perfect indoor recess or after-school activity. 

Wrapping Up 

Although adjusting to virtual learning is a struggle for children, there are things you can do to make the adjustment easier for your kids. 

Separate home life from school life as much as possible so they can get their work done and learn with as few setbacks as possible.

And of course, don’t forget that learning from home should be fun and that your kids deserve to be rewarded for their hard work!

Adrianna Willis

I am passionate about bringing

happiness and joy to other people. I deeply believe in staying connected to the people

that you love in your life. In addition, spending time taking care of yourself is very

important and should be everyone's top priority.


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