Self-Care Tips for Busy People

If you’re struggling to juggle family life, work obligations, relationships, and hobbies, it can feel impossible to ever find time to simply just be

 But how can you take care of everyone else if you’re not taking care of yourself?

Importance of Self-Care

When we’re doing it all, it’s easy to neglect our own needs. While constantly putting others’ needs above your own may feel like the best way to show your love, it actually can lead to feelings of resentment, stress, and overall unhappiness

So, although you may feel selfish the first few times that you do something nice for yourself, it’s actually helping you to take better care of your loved ones, too! 

Self-care is the best way to relieve stress, improve your emotional health, and soothe yourself.

It’s important to take care of yourself, especially when you feel like you’re being pulled a million different directions at once. 

After all, the times when we feel like pushing self-care aside to cross one more task off our to-do list  are the times when we need it the most. If you’re starting to feel burnt out or like adding just one more task on your to-do list will send you into a frenzy, now’s the time to start treating yourself like a priority. 

Self-Care That Fits Your Schedule

Let’s dive into some self-care tips you can start incorporating into your daily life today!

Tip 1: All About the Little Things

You don’t need to completely change your lifestyle overnight to start taking better care of yourself.

Micro self-care activities are the perfect steppingstone to developing your own self-care routine.

Here’s a few self-care methods that take just a few minutes:

● Spend two to three minutes focusing on your breath

● Exfoliate, take a quick bath, or give yourself a mini massage (Our Royal Glow set is perfect for this!)

● Do simple stretches when you wake up

● Say a few empowering affirmations before bed

Tip 2: Write It Out

Journaling helps us to make sense of our feelings, and it’s the perfect way to start winding down at the end of the day. 

Take time to put your thoughts into words and feel your stress melt away. As you write, your brain will start to make sense of everything that’s bothering you, and you may find that some of the problems that seemed so big weren’t really worth worrying about at all.

 P.S. Our Unapologetically Crowned set comes with a journal to help you start your journaling practice, plus other self-care goodies like organic tea, a mug, and tasty treats!

 Tip 3: Make Sure Your Basic Needs Are Met

Complicated self-care routines are pointless if you’re not taking care of your most basic needs. 

Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating well, and staying hydrated.

Even though these tasks may not seem like much, you can make a mini self-care routine out of them by living in the moment and being mindful. 


By taking time to really enjoy your meals instead of scarfing them down and reflecting on how good it feels to nourish your body. Adding an element of luxury to your mealtimes (especially dinner) can also help you to feel a bit more indulgent. Light a few candles, dress up, and treat yourself to a 5-star meal at home.

 You can also savor each sip of water and notice how your body responds to being fully hydrated. 

 Wrapping Up

 Taking time out of your busy schedule to check in with yourself and give yourself some TLC is important. Even if you only have a little time to spare, taking a few moments for self-care can help improve your overall health and well-being.

 Making time for self-care will help you to be more present in every aspect of your life and will help you to avoid feeling burnt out as you juggle your many roles and responsibilities. 

 As you start incorporating self-care into your daily routine, remember that it’s not selfish to take care of yourself and that self-care looks a bit different for everyone. Start small with these tips, give yourself time to figure out what works for you, and remember to give yourself the love you give to other people. 


Adrianna Willis

I am passionate about bringing

happiness and joy to other people. I deeply believe in staying connected to the people

that you love in your life. In addition, spending time taking care of yourself is very

important and should be everyone's top priority.


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