Soft Life Ministry

The soft life is a never-ending journey of discovery and rediscovery, self-care, and putting you first always. As women, we are constantly put under pressure to be a lot of things but rarely ourselves.

So, you owe it to yourself to be you in your fullest form regardless of the stage of life you’re in right now.

Mind the Crown is meeting you right where you are with our recently launched Soft Life Ministry. We want you to know that authentic self-care is not a race; you can go as fast or as slow as you need to go, the world will wait.

Prioritize your peace, your sanity, and your body because every decision that you make stems from these things. You can do this by indulging even in the tiniest self-care activities like lighting up one candle or having a personalized journal where you pour out your heart.

The saying “a journey of one thousand miles begins with a step” is not a cliché because you need to start with something to build a habit that prioritizes your overall well-being. With Mind the Crown’s radical self-care products and services, you can start the journey effortlessly.

There will be times when everything looks bleak, and you lack the strength to go on; this is why we have created timeless offers that will inspire you to embrace who you are at all points. It’s okay to not be always unwaveringly strong, to set boundaries, and protect your peace no matter the cost.

More than anything, it is very okay to explore the things that bring you joy. The Soft Life Ministry is all about bringing you tips, products, and services that will make adopting this mindful lifestyle a breeze.

Our exclusive quarterly gift baskets, Woosah journals, #SOFTLIFE  affirmation cards and radical self-care memberships (coming soon) are all part of the things we have set up to help you in your journey.

How to get Involved?

Subscribe to the blog- we share helpful everyday tips on how to live an effortless life as you prioritize yourself.  

Buy One-time Products- We specialize in designing and producing products that help women live full lives, prioritizing self-care. From our Woosah Journals and signature candles to affirmation cards and quarterly non-commitment=themed boxes.

Feel free to contact us at anytime!

Adrianna Willis

I am passionate about bringing

happiness and joy to other people. I deeply believe in staying connected to the people

that you love in your life. In addition, spending time taking care of yourself is very

important and should be everyone's top priority.


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