Unapologetically helping queens Challenge the superwomen myth

Radical Self-Care

Radical self-care is being intentional about protecting your peace and your space as you give yourself room to just live. You don’t have to be unwaveringly strong all the time! You can be a superwoman without the pressure to always be one.

Allow yourself to laugh, live, and love. 

Our Self-Care Collection

This is exactly why we are selfless advocates of self-care at Mind the Crown. We have specially curated self-care for women to help you on your journey to putting yourself first. Feel free to browse through our amazing products and services.

New collection.

Browse our shelves at Mind the Crown Bookstore, where each book is a gateway to laughter, wisdom, and the joys of a simpler life. Our carefully chosen titles beckon you into stories that blend humor with profound insights, offering powerful motivation and a light-hearted companion for the journey of life.

Whether seeking solace, laughter, or enlightenment, our collection is your compass to finding peace, joy, and a touch of ease in the everyday. Discover the narratives that resonate with you, and let us guide you to a life brimming with happiness and simplicity.

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"Reclaim Your Power" is more than just an event; it's a movement towards self-discovery, healing, and unabashed empowerment. Join us in this exclusive sanctuary crafted for women who are ready to embrace their journeys, celebrate their strength, and step boldly into their power.

Apr. 17: Celebrating Self
Kickstart your journey in "Celebrating Self," where we dive deep into self-love and gratitude. This opening session is designed to foster an environment of appreciation and acknowledgment, encouraging you to recognize your own achievements and strengths. Engage in interactive activities, reflective workshops, and sister circle discussions aimed at building a supportive community that celebrates each woman's unique path.

May 16: Healing and Renewal
Continue your journey with "Healing and Renewal," focusing on emotional well-being and the power of letting go. This session provides tools and strategies for navigating past challenges and embracing forgiveness. Participate in guided workshops, share your story within a circle of understanding peers, and engage in activities designed to symbolize your commitment to moving forward with a lighter heart.

Jun. 12: Empowerment and Commitment
Conclude your transformative journey in "Empowerment and Commitment," where future aspirations take center stage. This session is all about envisioning your empowered future and setting actionable goals. Through motivational workshops and collaborative discussions, you’ll leave with a clear sense of direction and a commitment to your personal growth journey.

Be patient with yourself.

Self-Love box parties

The Self Love Box party is a two hour experience. It is opportunity to dedicate time to recharging and loving on each other importantly minding your crown.

Happy Clients

Stay Connected to the people that you love in your life


Mind the Crown

Mind the Crown is the antithesis to the negativity we're faced with every day. We're all about connection, uplifting one another, and celebrating the little things that make life worth living.